So I know its not perfect or anything but I'm just glad that I got it to do something. Ive never used Photoshop and Ive only used mac computers for scanning, so it was really difficult this first time around. Still, Ive been watching videos on LYNDA so Ive been learning some stuff XD. I hope to be able to make for changes before I officially submit it, and Ive still got a few questions but now Im not completely overwhelmed by the whole thing, so that's definitely progress :D
I used puppet warp, lasso, and the select key extensively. Im still confused on which timeline would have been best to use, so I plan on going back and trying that out more. This landscape painting has a lot of potential considering the story behind it. btw, I wanted to have the girl leaning over falling out, Im going to have to figure that out as well. I did experieince trouble when I would lasso and select something and then when I tried to see it n motion all I would see was a checkered background. I still dont know what thats about.