Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Possession Exhibition

                The Last exhibition that I was able to attend was the recently opened group exhibition, “Possession.”  The exhibition held many different pieces by five separate artists. The pieces were interesting and colorful. They really stood out, with each artist’s unique style being able to shine through. There was so much originality and the exhibition was a breath of fresh air for me after seeing some much older art pieces. It was impossible for me to choose a favorite. All of the pieces portrayed such raw emotion. It was easy for me to get lost in them. I really enjoyed Erik Parkers pieces. His pieces used such vivid colors. Surprisingly, he uses acrylic on canvas for many of his works. This was a surprise for me because in my own experience with acrylic, it is a very difficult medium to work in. His pieces reminded me of art 100, where we only drew fruit. I don’t know why I found that so funny. My favorite artist of the night was Claire Stigliani. Her pieces were also very interesting. She uses watercolor, acrylic, and ink in many of her works. Because my own pieces involve the same type of mediums I enjoyed looking at her work and seeing her technique when it came the above mediums. Although each artist explored the themes of life and imagination, I couldn’t really relate to most of their pieces. I enjoyed them to say the least, with their amazing colors and details but I think their group theme was lost on me. Maybe its just me but some of the pieces screamed pretentious to me. But how the heck do I know, I mean, I’m just some chick at UNR. Overall, the exhibition was very interesting and insightful. I left wanting to try acrylic paint again, and hopefully I will get the chance to develop my artistic style over the summer. One of the things about exhibitions is that they really open your mind to different artistic possibilities and remind you to break the mold. I had never seen a group exhibition like this one before, so I hope to be able to visit more in the future. It’s a great opportunity to see how different artistic pieces can come together to create a theme. I had a great time wandering around the exhibit. 

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